CSS findings from the Threads app—by Ahmad Shadeed

published on September 26, 2023

Ahmad did two great reviews of the Threads app. Quite a few interesting CSS or unusual CSS technniques there.

About Ahmad

Ahmad is an experienced designer and developer who shares highly detailed, hands-on content on his blog here.

Threads app CSS reviews

He published two great vies, you can find them here: CSS Findings From The Threads App and CSS Findings From The Threads App: Part 2.

There are many interesting features and practices he showcases but one which I find useful is outlining all the elements rendered in a page without changing the layout, like this:

    *:after {
      outline: solid 0.5px #db6a7d;
      border: 0;

This is something available as a debug tool on native platforms, quite useful for visualising render details or issues.

The other thing, which I also like a lot and advocate for, is grid for layout and flexbox for components. Most layouts can be be implemented with a single grid (more about this in a later not post) with customization abilities implmented on layout component level with flexbox (or another grid if really needed, which is rare).

Both posts are well worth your time.